AP Human Geography


In this AP Human Geography online course we’ll pair you with a seasoned private teacher who has deep experience teaching the AP curriculum, for a deep dive into human geography. That this is an advanced study course. For students who prefer a traditional middle- or high-school course, take a look at our Geography Course.

Over 30 weeks we’ll work our way through the AP course syllabus, covering each unit thoroughly, and going at your pace. In some places we may skip ahead quickly if your understanding is strong; while in others we’ll slow down to ensure that you understand all the concepts. Along the way your teacher will include quizzes, short tests, and papers, all geared to prep you for the exam in May. We will aim to complete all the course material with at least four weeks left in the course so that we can devote that time to exam preparation.

Thinking Like a Geographer

Among the topics we’ll cover is a study of maps and other tools that geographers use to gather and capture information, including spatial relationships and patterns, data analysis at different scales (for example, global, national, local), and the definition of regions.

Populations and Culture

We’ll spend a significant amount of time exploring populations, including migration patterns and dynamics. We’ll look at theories of population growth and how they have evolved over time, and explore some of the current ideas around population decline. With your teacher you will discuss immigration policies and their relationship to population, and explore the causes and effects of migratory movements of people.

As we shift our attention to culture, you’ll explore how and why language, religion, and other cultural practices spread over space and time. We’ll look at historical forces, such as colonialism and trade, that affect cultural patterns; and how modern equivalents like globalization, play a similar role today. We’ll look at how religions spread in different ways, and how that has shaped population patterns across the globe.

You’ll also explore the intricacies of political patterns and processes. Together with your teacher, you’ll uncover how populations and cultural dynamics influence political organization across the globe. You will investigate various political entities, the historical and contemporary forces that shape political boundaries, and different forms of government. This exploration extends to understanding why states sometimes fragment and the impacts of such changes.

Land Use, from Rural to Urban

Moving forward, our focus will shift to the geographical roots of agriculture. You’ll learn about the interplay between physical geography and cultural innovations that shaped farming practices from ancient times to the present, including significant developments like the Green Revolution. Discussions will delve into how these practices have influenced both the environment and societal structures.

Next, we’ll look at the dynamics of urbanization. You’ll examine how cities have grown and the roles they play in globalization. This part of the course covers the factors driving the expansion of cities and suburbs, how globalization is reshaping urban landscapes, and the significance of infrastructure and urban design in contemporary city planning.

Our journey will also encompass the study of industrial and economic development patterns. From the origins of the Industrial Revolution to the present-day global economy, you’ll understand the shifts in economic sectors, the impact of industrialization on social structures, and the evolving roles of women in economies around the world.

Putting it All Together

The structure laid out above aligns tightly with the units prescribed by the College Board in its syllabus for AP Human Geography.

Throughout this course, your teacher will engage you with quizzes, tests, and papers, all designed to prepare you for the AP exam in May. Our goal is to complete the core material with ample time for a comprehensive review, ensuring you are not only exam-ready but also equipped with a profound understanding of how geographic factors shape political, economic, and social landscapes.

AP Human Geography Online Course

This course is held 100% online in live, one-to-one sessions with your teacher. It is geared to prepare you to take and excel on the AP exam.

The AP Human Geography exam is considered one of the harder AP exams, with only 60% of students passing (earning a 3 or higher). The best way to get a good score is to take a well-structured course with an experienced teacher, and prep for the exam throughout the year. Then, in the final weeks, to take a very structured approach to studying.

Absolutely. Geography is a fascinating social science discipline that prepares students well to study economics, urban studies, or any other form of social science at the college level. This course is well regarded by college admissions officers.