Take Online Summer Courses with Cicero
Are you a high schooler prepping for an AP?
Or a tween about to start high school?
Or any learner looking for an intellectual adventure with an inspiring mentor?
Our summer seminars are for you.
All seminars can be one-to-one with a teacher-mentor; and many are for pods of 3-4 learners who want to learn together (and share costs).

“The idea behind our summer seminars is to give teens space to explore their passions, experiment, and challenge themselves.”
- Cicero
Essay Essentials
This mini course is designed for middle schoolers or high schoolers who want to level up as writers. Over 15 sessions with an English language arts teacher we’ll help you build a strong process for writing essays, from developing a thesis to producing a prose-perfect college essay.
Learn more in this full description.
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration: 4-8 weeks
Let's Break AI
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, it’s crucial for students to make informed decisions about the use of AI. As educators it’s our responsibility to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to navigate this complex field. While some may be hesitant to embrace AI, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s already a pervasive part of our lives.
Rather than trying to prevent students from using AI, we believe that it’s more productive to teach them how to use it. There is a vibrant tradition in technology of hacking or trying to break something in order to understand it; and that’s the approach we’ll take in this summer course. Over 4 weeks, together with a computer engineer from MIT, we’ll try our damndest to break an AI chatbot, and along the way explore its potential uses and misuses.
Our approach is one of empowerment, not fear. We want our students to be confident in their ability to work with AI, and to understand the potential risks and benefits of doing so. With the guidance of our experienced learning coach, students will emerge from the course with a better understanding of AI and the tools they need to make informed decisions about its use.
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
AP English Summer Reading Club
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration: 4-8 weeks
Spanish Conversation
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration: four weeks
In this summer course students will learn how to build a prototype of an idea. Working with an experienced engineer we’ll turn your big idea into a workable prototype. Students will learn the basics of design thinking, working at scale, and the key principles of building a design prototype. This will be a hands-on course and will provide students with practical experience in developing and testing new ideas. And don’t worry too much about materials; Your mentor will guide you through the process using easy-to-find materials.
This course is designed for young builders and engineers who want to hone their skills and test out their big ideas. By the end of the course, the goal is to equip students with both the physical and emotional tools necessary to navigate the challenges of the prototyping process.
- This course is executed one-to-one.
- Duration: Up to You
Anthropology of Me
- This course is executed one-to-one.
- Duration/Cadence: 4-6 weeks, 2x weekly
Hot Sauce & Fermentation
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration: 4 weeks
Meditation Workshop
- This course is executed one-to-one.
- Duration/Cadence: 3 weeks, 2x weekly
Ecosystem in a Jar
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration/Cadence: 3 weeks, 3x weekly
Blogging Workshop
This summer we will be running our Blogging for Teens course with former worldschooler and travel blogger Hannah Miller for a learning pod of up to 4 students.
Over the course of four weeks budding writers will learn how to launch a blog, how to write for their audience, how to market and grow their audience, and other aspects of blogging.
This is a fun way for teens to explore their voice, learn some technical skills, and build place to publish their ideas.
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration/Cadence: varies
Writing Workshop
- This course can be done one-to-one or in a learning pod of max four students.
- Duration/Cadence: 2 weeks, 3x weekly