

This online debate course is a personalized, one-to-one deep dive into the art and science of debate, argumentation, public speaking, and rhetoric. Led by an experience debate coach and teacher, this course can be geared for the debate newbie who wants to get an introduction to debate techniques or the experienced debater who wants to improve their skills and prepare for competition. Regardless of focus, this course offers intensive training and guidance in constructing compelling arguments, refining public speaking skills, and developing critical thinking abilities.

Develop Argumentation Skills

A key focus in this course is to learn how to construct, deliver, and defend an argument. This is a key skill for any thinker, regardless of whether you’re preparing to compete in a debate or simply need to present your ideas to a group. In the company of your private debate teacher, in this one-to-one setting you’ll learn how to construct and deconstruct arguments effectively using logical reasoning and evidence. You’ll analyze the structure of a strong argument, and through hands-on practice build your own arguments.

Public Speaking

This course will also help you gain confidence in public speaking. With personalized feedback you’ll learn about voice modulation, pacing, and body language. Together with your private coach, and in weekly lessons, you’ll hone your ability to present confidently in front of a group, onboard counter arguments, and persuade through reasoning.

Critical Thinking and Research

A key piece of debate is the ability to prepare well in advance and to think quickly and critically in the moment. You’ll learn some new research skills and techniques and how to gather and synthesize information that supports your arguments. Your teacher will also help you develop your critical thinking skills so that you respond to counter arguments swiftly and strategically.


Competitions are a big part of debate. For students who want to compete this course can be shaped to that end and include competition structure, preparation, and mock debates. Some of the teachers who teach this course have extensive experience both as competitors and coaches; and so, in this case, the course can be specifically geared in that manner.

For students who, instead, simply want to onboard some debating skills to make themselves better presenters or who have a more academic interest in rhetoric and its use (and misuse!) this course can be designed more as an introduction and overview, with less emphasis on preparing for competition.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be equipped with the skills to participate confidently in various debate formats, think critically under pressure, and engage audiences effectively. You will also, if desired, be well-prepared to compete in and contribute meaningfully to any academic, local, or national debate competitions.

For thousands of years rhetoric—the study of effective messaging—has been a key part of a strong liberal arts education. Debate is simply a modern version of this. At its core, debate is the study of logical reasoning and the art of crafting an effective message: a critical life skill whether you’re a laboratory scientist or a politician. Our ideas are effective only if they’re communicated effectively.


For more information check out this post about taking a debate class is a great idea in Notebook.

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