I believe rigor and fun aren't mutually exclusive, that humor can open pathways to students' hearts, and that laughter is essential to effective learning. I enjoy teaching and my students enjoy learning with me.
I believe education should be based on a student's wonderings about the world and that teenagers are wiser than we think.
I believe teaching reading, writing, and critical thinking is a civic duty that I am proud to fulfill.
I believe every student's skills, no matter the student's background or ability level, deserves transparent and equitable assessment. I believe a teacher must disentangle behaviors from academic skill to avoid bias. I believe grading should be a collaborative process and a part of learning, not the end of it.
I believe in teaching for mastery, which means if my students and I are successful, they will not just gain proficiency, but fluency, in key skills. They will be empowered to use those skills in creative, flexible, and challenging ways.