Animation is an art form that combines many subjects in one: narrative, technology, drawing, and design. Although animation has been with us for a long time, it’s an innovative discipline. In the words of this course’s instructor: “It is basically magic.”
In this course on 2D animation, we will dive into the technique, mechanics, and meaning of animation. Not only will we learn many of the tools of digital animation, but we’ll investigate the artistic process as it unfolds, frame by frame. Along the way we’ll learn how to see motion in unexpected ways, ordering space and sound to create something… well… magical.
“Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art of movements that are drawn.” – Norman McLaren.
Learning Goals
In this course we will:
– Become familiar with a wide variety of techniques and animation methods
– Learn how to use animation software to create 2D animations
– Adopt the 12 principles of animation.
– Understand key concepts related to the animation process.
– Build inspiration for future projects.
– Appreciate animation as an art form.
Software required: Any animation software will do. Having a drawing tablet is a plus but it’s not mandatory.