Take Online AP Courses with Cicero

Our AP Courses are designed and led by teachers with deep experience teaching the AP curriculum and helping students prepare for the AP exam. Like all our other courses, they are personalized to the student and led one-to-one, which studies show leads to outcomes two standard deviations better than group instruction.
online AP courses for homeschoolers

AP Courses for Homeschoolers

Homeschoolers and worldschoolers are generally encouraged to take AP courses, in part because it allows colleges and universities to benchmark them, academically. AP courses are also seen as preparing students for the rigors of college-level work, and so can be thought of as a kind of “test run” for college. Our online AP Courses are particularly suited to homeschoolers and worldschoolers who need flexibility and personalization because we pair you with a private teacher who tailors the experience and units to you, while adhering to the cu.

AP Exam & Course Structure

The AP exam in all subjects is generally scheduled for May. As a result, most AP courses begin in September and last at least 30 weeks, with the final 4-5 weeks dedicated to exam prep.

In our online AP courses with a private teacher, we weave exam prep into the course from the start. Typically, by the time we get to the end of the course, the student is quite comfortable with the kind of questions and assignments asked during the exam.

In the final weeks—depending on the student’s comfort, test anxiety, and other factors—we spend enough time on exam prep to ensure that the learner shows up feeling confident and prepared.

student studying

Our AP Courses


Dual credit (or dual enrollment) courses are courses that high school students take at their local community college, often for credit towards an associates degree AND high school (thus, dual). AP courses are advanced-level high school courses designed for college-bound courses, and associated with an AP exam. Colleges generally view AP courses and exam as more rigorous and better preparation.
For students who wish to attend college, AP courses and AP exams can be a great way to demonstrate their ability to do college-level work. For homeschoolers and worldschoolers AP exam scores play a key role in building an attractive transcript that can be benchmarked against other students.

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